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$49.00 Cast Iron Boot LifterBug Design
Large Cast Iron Plant StandAntique Rust Finish310mm Diam x 525mm High
Eclectic Set ofCast Iron HooksRust Finish
Large Cast Iron Boot Scraper with BrushesAnt Rust Finish
Dog Tails Hook BoardSlate Back / Cast Iron Tails100 x 300mm
Cast Iron "Chook Hook"190mm high
$255.00 Cast Iron Water Pump - 950mm HighBronze Finish
Cast Iron Wall ArtAntique Rust Finish215 x 580mm
$695.00 Cast Iron Hall StandWhite Finish 1720mm High
Silver OrnateCandle Holders620mm High
Ornate Cast Iron Bird Feeder / Rust Finish205 x 375mm
$139.00 Pair
Pair of Art Deco Lady BookendsBronze Colour / 220mm high