Visit Our Showroom Today 98 Waterworks Rd Ashgrove Phone (07) 3366 5855 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Silky Oak Front Doorwith Large Bollection Mouldings910 x 1950mm
Narrow Pine 4 PanelFront Door with Hardware720 x 2015mm
Hoop Pine Four Panel Front Door with Raised Mouldings855 x 2085mm
Unusual VJ Panelled Door42mm Thick / Possibly Maple FrameEx Nudgee Church
795 x 2035
4 Panel Heavy Front DoorHoop Pine 1890's810 x 1922mm
Polished Cedar Front DoorHi Waisted / VJ Bottom807 x 2040mm
4 Panel Red CedarFront Door - 1890's
800 x 1940mm
Large Hoop Pine4 Panel Front Door
912 x 2115mm
Large Red Cedar Four Panel Front Door Circa 1870'sPartially Stripped
893 x 2105mm